hemp hearts

WHAT: Manitoba Hemp Hearts are organic raw hemp seeds that have a slightly nutty taste and are conveniently packaged to easily add protein and fiber to salad, smoothie, or yogurt.


WHY: Hemp is a plant-based protein that contains all 10 essential amino acids, making it a COMPLETE protein. Also filled with essential nutrients such as healthy fats (shown to improve hair, skin and nail health and heart health), and nervous system-relaxing magnesium. Hemp contains 0.001% Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and will NOT cause a psychoactive effect nor will our products cause a false positive drug test. AND it’s super easy to digest!

hemp hearts

WHERE: Available at Manitoba Hemp Hearts , Whole Foods Market, and Erewhon Natural Foods Market and most health food stores; $9.99 for Organic Hemp Hearts 7 oz bag, or $1.99 for 1 oz single-serving packet.

THE VERDICT: I have recently become a HUGE fan of all things hemp. It’s soft but crunchy texture adds a lot to smoothies, without being an overpowering flavor. I love how easy hemp is to digest, leaving you feeling strong rather than overly full and bloated like a lot of protein powders tend to do. Hemp hearts are so versatile I’m still finding new ways to add them into every meal and snack to boost the nutritional values.

Manitoba-Harvest-Hemp-Pro-PowderAlso check out Manitoba’s line of vegan protein powders and fiber supplements.